People's understanding of order is based on information conveyed to them by their senses.  i.e. what they see and hear.  If sensory information is missing, partially blocked, or exaggerated then people must impose order without the benefit of all the proper information.  Because order is essential for learning, assimilating, and expressing what a person knows, then imposing order profoundly affects people's ability to communicate and understand

The best way I can think to explain it is that no one wants to sit behind a column at the ballgame because it partially obstructs his or her view. This affects their overall understanding and enjoyment of the game. They can observe part of the game and strain their neck to see but sometimes they must assess the crowd's reaction and deduce what occurred. This may cause them to occasionally miss a play.  For the person who watches a game with their vision partially obstructed it will be difficult to communicate or describe, in detail, what happened at the game.   That is why with tickets with obstructed view are cheaper and clearly marked on the ticket-partial view.    People sitting these seats will get a sore neck and become frustrated.

Stadiums without columns are more difficult and more expensive to build yet that is the only way new sports stadiums are built now. Stadium owners understand the importance of everybody seeing the whole game.  It makes the experience more fun and motivates people to attend more games.

It was my belief some people like my son Joshua and myself have “fragmented thinking” which is akin to sitting behind a pole at a ball game.  We are constantly struggling to understand what is happening without having a direct or linear view of the field.  We get frustrated from the constant strain of only seeing part of what is happening.   The people that have direct line of vision I term “linear thinkers.” They are lucky to have good seats.  They don't struggle to get information and have an easier time seeing and understanding what is happening in the game.  

People utilizing linear thinking are in the majority just like in a stadium where most views are unobstructed.  People utilizing linear thinking are considered normal and those with fragmented thinking are considered to be learning disabled.  Some people see things backwards or see only parts of things. This makes it very difficult to understand ones observations and is responsible for fragmented thinking.  

Linear thinking   is the process by which “linear thinkers” put things in order as they experience them and how they express them. Their thinking process proceeds in a sequential manner, like a straight line. A straight line between two points is the most efficient way to get from one place to another. Both intake and outflow are predictable and efficiently and orderly presented, considered, learned and written.  

Most people learn, think and express themselves in linear fashion.   Reading starts at the left and proceeds straight across to the right.  In a learning situation like a classroom the teacher speaks while she writes on the board starting at the left and moving in a straight line to the right. Linear thinking people find it easy to follow along with her.  

Putting things in order is easy and fun.  You can put things in  size order, starting at either the biggest or the smallest, or alphabetical order, or in order of importance and so on.  Order is how things are accomplished.  You proceed in an orderly fashion from the beginning to the end to accomplish your goal.   
Fragmented Thinking is the way many people, who are perceived to have Learning Disabilities, think. They do not move in a straight line.  Getting from one place to another efficiently is impossible, since they are incapable going in a straight line. They understand order differently. In fact the way they understand order makes the linear thinkers believe that they do not understand order at all.  However, they do understand order; they simply cannot achieve that order by going in a straight line. It is comparable to a blind person attempting to do a jigsaw puzzle.   They may be able to put the puzzle together piece by piece but they are at a significant disadvantage because they cannot see the pieces.  They can feel the pieces and may be able to establish a certain order that allows them to complete the puzzle. So they will do it in a different way, a different order and probably more slowly than a sighted person.   

Some people may need to see or write things from right to left to understand the order and doing so is like reading a different language, say French. They many need a translator, not a French translator but someone who can translate their dyslexic vision into a left-to-right perception. Explaining things to them in a linear fashion does not help; they need a teacher equipped with special skills. They need a special education teacher.  Labeling them disabled only impedes their progress.

People like my son and I have trouble with order is because order is like a language that we do not speak.   When it comes to order we are strangers in a strange land.

Putting this into more concrete terms of a learning situation, a teacher may say:
sees and hears this.
The FRAGMENTED THINKER sees and hears this.

The spaces are created by a variety of things that block sensory input: disabilities, inattention or daydreaming (ADD), starting at the wrong end of the board or the word (dyslexia), misinterpreting visual or aural cues, difficulty understanding language, falling off one's seat and dropping a book (ADHD) 5 times during the sentence, panic, visceral reactions to certain social situations such as rejection sensitivity.   What would be called endearing idiosyncrasies in an intellectually gifted child are called learning disabilities in a differently abled child by our education system.